Blog for 3rd Class

Mr Damien’s ClassWeebly

Children in Rang 3 agus 4 can upload their pics and activities here! Click the ‘Read More’ tab to find your blue link to his Weebly. Click the Read More tab here to find the blue link 🙂–pics.html

Short Survey on Well Being at School.

Literacy Survey for Third and Fourth Classes.

Please click the tab Read More to find the link to your survey. Remember, it is anonymous. Read it carefully and ask your teacher for help if you find any question confusing. Don’t rush. Think and answer honestly. It will help your teachers to help all of you!Thank you!

Marine Pollution

We completed our project with ‘Sea Syenergy’ recently. The class did a super job and learned a lot about the affects of marine pollution. The marine biologists visited us twice. On the second occasion, they showed us a powerpoint on whales and dolphins and will return in a few week with an aquarium for the classroom. Well done 3rd class!

Maths week

WE had great fun during Maths week recently.


Well done to 3rd class on keeping up their marathon challenge. They are doing great and increasing their fitness levels day by day….!

Science experiments

We completed two science experiments recently and demonstrated them for fourth class. Fourth class also showed us their experiments. We have some budding scientists in our midst!!!


We are progressing nicely through our fit4class athletics programme. The pupils are having great fun so far and are enjoying the games and activities involved.

Our Book Launch!

Our Book Launch!

We are so proud! It was wonderful that all our parents found the time this morning to celebrate our published books and to have a cup of tea, served by Ms Anne Moore and Ms Noreen. They even got to taste some of our teacher’s banana cake……a recipe which is a secret! This was the first day that we actually got to hold our printed books. It was soooo exciting.

Look at the art all around Third Class!

Look at the art all around Third Class!

Here are some pics of the wonderful art displayed in our classroom and beyond.

If you go down to the woods today………

If you go down to the woods today………

Thanks are due again to our parents for dropping and collecting Third Class. Ms Ann, the ‘Bramble Club’ and Coillte led the children to our planting spot.One tree for each child. Gillian Wharton and Joan co-ordinated the whole event. It was a wonderful activity for all.

Gravity V Air resistance.

Gravity V Air resistance.

Gravity: A force to be reckoned with.

Geography and Science

Geography and Science

Textiles and Pattern

Textiles and Pattern

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide

Can you remember which bottle has vinegar and bicarbonate soda.The balloon attached to the yeast and sugar bottle got bigger and bigger. Sarah is very brainy!

Making Shapes.

Making Shapes.



Sometimes we have to calm down and take a quick break….ZEN 🙂

Paying attention

Paying attention

Arty Science

Arty Science

Lions Club Carol Singing

Third, Fifth and Sixth class sing carols on Fri 5th December , 4.45pm-6.00pm (outside Quinlan’s Fish + chip shop, The Mall)

Party trick

Party trick

Bobby remembered to bring in a can and much more. Thanks B. After many trials (we don’t EVER give up), we hopped the canfrom mug to bowl. 🙂

Science:More Bernoulli Stuff

Science:More Bernoulli Stuff

Lots of huffing and puffing. Why did the balloons lean inward and not outward? Fast moving curving air between the balloons caused the outer higher pressure to lean in on the balloons. Builders of skyscrapers need to remember this on windy days!!

Ping-pong Science:Coanda effect

Ping-pong Science:Coanda effect

Hopefully we can develop this tomorrow and explore the Bernoulli Theory: The ability of a liquid , gas to move around a curved object.