Gravity: A force to be reckoned with.

Will they hit the ground at the exact same time?

Will they hit the ground at the exact same time?

Let's check again.....3....2....1....release!

Let’s check again…..3….2….1….release!

Even if one container is heavier? (Ask 3rd Class!)

Even if one container is heavier? (Ask 3rd Class!)

Do it a few be sure.

Do it a few times….to be sure.

What about these sheets of paper? Crumpled or flat....all A4. We saw some air resistance!. Which one hit the floor first?

What about these sheets of paper? Crumpled or flat….all A4. We saw some air resistance!. Which one hit the floor first?

Timing is everything. Take a close look. The answer is in this photo.

Timing is everything. Take a close look. The answer is in this photo.

Aris agus aris eile!

Aris agus aris eile!

We made helicopters from templates. The larger ones flew longer than the smaller ones (clockwise)

We made helicopters from templates. The larger ones flew longer than the smaller ones (clockwise). More surface area=more air resistance!

The longer rotors spin slower than the smaller rotors! And when we bent the rotors the opposite way,both helicopters spun anti clockwise.

The longer rotors spin slower than the smaller rotors! And when we bent the rotors the opposite way,both helicopters spun anti clockwise.

Then we added paper clips. This made our helicopters heavier, causing it to spin faster and gravity pulled it to the ground even faster.

Then we added paper clips. This made our helicopters heavier, causing it to spin faster and gravity pulled it to the ground even faster.

— Mary C