Digital School Awards.

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Caherleaheen NS was honoured to receive the Digital Schools of Distinction Award, way back in 2007. In those days we were one of the first to invest in an IT room. How times have changed and advanced at a pace!
This was a national recognition of best practice in the use of ICT in primary schools throughout Ireland. Back then, in 2007 only 130 primary schools in the country held the award and
this was a massive validation of the investment in ICT by the Board of Management and Parents over the years. It was also an acknowledgement of the continuous professional development undertaken by the staff to keep abreast of the rapid changes, at that time,  in technology.
The Principal, Donal O Connor, said back then, that he was delighted to receive such a prestigious award on behalf of the school community.The award was presented to the school by, local Entrepreneur, Mr Alan Scroope. Alan was CEO of Freeflow based in the Tralee Technology Park.

In conclusion, Donal added that the whole school community should feel very proud because “This award gives us recognition for the great effort the school has made over the years, promoting ICT and providing children with a valuable tool for modern living”.

There is no doubt that Donal was ahead of his time. He was a wonderful promoter of the digital possibilities that laid ahead of us all. We achieved our second Digital Schools Distinction in 2014.

Last summer, 2017, we invested in overhauling all our PCs and laptops.We also bought 15 tablets which allow each class to work in pairs. Our Broadband and wifi is super fast, thanks to Datastream Lt. Tralee who upgraded our routers and installed our new staff laptops and PCs. All our whiteboard projectors were serviced by AboutComputers Ltd., Dublin, in 2017. This year, 2019, we invested in 6 new overhead projectors and a new ‘Touch’ screen from Liosdaire Computers Ltd.  We  are, as they say, ‘good to go!’


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